Data Center Map


9651 Hornbaker Road
Suites 201 & 202
20109 Manassas
Virginia, USA
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands
Public Cloud Servers

. Data Center construction completed December 2009
. VAZATA NoVa One data center occupies 12,500 square feet combining data suites 201 & 202 with 2MW of power and
an option on 10MW
. Data Floor was commissioned January 2010 - approximately 243,000 feet
- 16,000 square feet of office area
- Data Center sits on secure 20 acre campus - 100,000 square feet of raised floor
- 15 separate 6,250 square feet data suites
. Concrete and steel deck composite roof slab designed to withstand 140mph winds
. The waterproofing layer is rubberized asphalt roofing membrane - Hydrotech MM6125-FR, with 17 lb/sq of heat
dissipating, white stone ballast. Membrane sits on top of 6" rigid Styrofoam insulation
. Unique two story Tier III & Tier IV design specifications, with MEP on the first floor and the data center located securely on the second floor
. 150' security surround, designed to Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DRTA) standards
. Loading docks were designed for vehicles of all sizes, including freight transportation
- Loading dock is set over 150 feet away from security gate in compliance with DRTA standards
- Loading dock has the following features:
. Three 10' X 11.5' loading docks with levelers, cowling and task lighting
. Three 16' X 11.5' roll in bays
. One ground level roll in bay
. 24 x 7 x 365 Security Guarded Access for areas including: - Main Gate
- Front Desk
- Security Network Operations Center (NOC) - Loading Dock Security Office
- Multiple security personnel at all times
. Three security shifts to ensure round the clock patrol
. "Route Tagging" to confirm patrols have been completed
. CCTV - 60 Closed Circuit Television are monitored from the security NOC and are located: - Around the perimeter of the facility
- Located in all interior common areas of the facility
- Located on the data center floor
- Mantrap that includes two sets of interlocking doors, ensuring proper badge verification and key card access throughout facility
. Key Card Access throughout NoVa located: - Main Gate
- Main Building Entrance - All Mantraps
- Data Center Entrance
- Data Center Floor
- Loading Dock
- First Floor MEP and Meet-Me-Room Area
. Biometric Access currently located at: - Main Entrance Mantrap
- Data Center Entrance
- Data Center Floor
- Biometric Access is available for a client cage, upon request

. 48" raised floor - hot/cold aisle design
. Floor loads of 1250 lbs/4 square feet tiles
. Client Areas include:
- Lockable Cabinets
???- Secure Private Cages
. Electrical Cabling is located under the raised floor and supported and located 12" below the raised floor
. Data Cabling (IAW EIA, TIA 569)
- Located overhead to maintain high/low voltage separation.
- Copper wiring is supported in WTG cable tray basket with measurements of 24" and 12"
- Fiber is run separately inside a Panduit fiber runner
- Overhead trays are supported by a kindorf grid that is 13" above the raised floor

. Power is provided by Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC)
. Power sourced from dual substations with single radial feed
. 50 MW of dedicated power to the facility
. Optional 2nd 50 MW redundant utility feed
. Six fully redundant, cross-strapped switches
. UPS Systems that include:
- 25 X 2.1 MW HITEC
- Four systems that are physically separated from the other set of four
. PDUs/RPPs -
- Redundant power distribution units on the data center floor
- Redundant remote power panels that include circuit monitoring, located on the data center floor . Generators -
- (25) 2.1 megawatt HITEC generators, both A/B configuration, N+1
- Eight 2.0 megawatt Detroit Diesel generators for chilled water system, N+1 - Load tested monthly
. Fuel Capacity -
- 150,000 gallon Diesel Fuel Farm, with permits up to 500,000
. 3 X 50,000 gallon diesel storage tanks with expansion capability to 10
. Located within the fence and berm perimeter
- Meets Department of Defense requirements to power full 50MW load for three-to-five days - Redundant diesel fuel provider contracts under SLAs
???. CRAH Units
- Unique Data Center design with the CRAH units positioned on the first floor below the data canter white space
- CRAH units, motors and pumps are VFD
- Three 160 ton Trane units support the VAZATA NoVa 1 data center or 480 Tons, N+1
- Each client space is thermally modeled for optimal performance with hot & cold aisle layouts
- Unique two story design enables flexible power and cooling for client
- Easy to configure 2kW, 4kW, 6kW, 8kW, 10kW or greater cabinet loads within client space
. Chillers
- Green energy efficient cooling LEED Gold Certified
- Evaporate chilled water system utilizing centrifugal chillers
- Water and airside economization installed
- All pumps, motors equipped with VF
- Redundant chilled water piping loops
- Chiller Line-Ups:
- (3) 500 ton - (2) 900 ton - (2) 900 ton

. Fire Detection
- Sensors located under floor and overhead - Critical Alarm System
- Local and Remote Monitoring
. Fire Suppression
- Double-interlock, dry-pipe, pre-action suppression system - Manual Override Capability
. Diverse Routes
- Diverse Fiber Paths
??- Diverse Entrance Vaults
- Diverse Meet-Me-Rooms
- Diverse conduit routes to Data Center floor and Carrier Interconnect Cage (CIC) - Carrier Neutral Facility
. Private 10Gbps Ring Interconnecting all VAZATA Data Centers


Part of Cloud Capital - 9651 Hornbaker

This profile is a sublisting to the colocation listing Cloud Capital - 9651 Hornbaker.
- Click here to view the profile for Cloud Capital - 9651 Hornbaker

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in VAZATA NoVA I, other data centers in Manassas or operated by VAZATA, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 9651 Hornbaker Road.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.01 milesCloud Capital - 9651 Hornbaker9651 Hornbaker Road
0.09 milesEvoSwitch Manassas (WDC1)9651 Hornbaker Road
0.16 milesSTACK Infrastructure NVA02C9730 Hornbaker Rd
0.23 milesSTACK Infrastructure NVA02B9720 Hornbaker Rd
0.24 milesAmazon AWS IAD - 11150 Thomasson11150 Thomasson Barn Rd
0.26 milesAmazon AWS IAD - Thomasson Campus11150-11200 Thomasson Barn Rd
0.27 milesAmazon AWS IAD - 11200 Thomasson11200 Thomasson Barn Rd
0.28 milesSTACK Infrastructure NVA02D9590 Hornbaker Rd
0.3 milesSTACK Infrastructure NVA02A9750 Hornbaker Rd
0.34 milesSTACK Infrastructure NVA02GHornbaker Rd


Data Center Operator at
9651 Hornbaker Road
Site Code: MAA
Headquartered in Plano, Texas