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Google Mesa - Phase 3

E Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd
Building 3
85212 Mesa
Arizona, USA
Visit Website
Google Logo

The Mesa City Council has endorsed a development agreement paving the way for a substantial Google data center in the Phoenix, Arizona suburb. Valued at $1 billion, the expansive facility is slated to encompass 750,000 square feet (70,000 sq m) upon completion. Negotiated over the past year under the discreet moniker 'Project Red Hawk,' Google, operating incognito as 'Stone Applications, LLC,' secured planning permissions for the data center project on 187 acres of agricultural land situated at the northwest intersection of Elliot and Sossaman roads.

The inception of this endeavor traces back to 2019, with the facility set to unfold across three phases by 2030. The inaugural phase, spanning 288,530 sq ft (26,805 sq m), is projected to go live in July 2025. Concurrently, Google, through its subsidiary Stone Applications LLC, has initiated proceedings for Redhawk Phase 2—a 280,000 sq ft (26,010 sq m) edifice.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Google does not list its data center locations publicly. Hence all listings in our database are based on publicly available information from third parties, open databases, property registries, construction applications, permits, tenders, news coverage and our custom research. There may be incorrect or outdated locations, as well as locations missing.

Part of Google Mesa Campus

This profile is a sublisting to the campus listing Google Mesa Campus.
- Click here to view the profile for Google Mesa Campus

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Google Mesa - Phase 3, other data centers in Phoenix or operated by Google, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to E Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.23 milesGoogle Mesa - Phase 2E Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd
0.38 milesGoogle Mesa - Phase 1E Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd
0.44 milesGoogle Mesa CampusE Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd
1.65 milesEdged Phoenix8811 E Warner Rd
2.18 milesComarch Mesa3223 S Ellsworth Rd
2.27 milesNovva MesaS Ellsworth Rd & E Warner Rd
2.63 milesMeta Mesa Data Center3841 S Ellsworth Rd
3.13 milesApple Mesa Data Center3740 S Signal Butte Road
3.46 milesNTT Phoenix PH110256 E Elliot Rd
4.24 milesEdgeCore Phoenix Campus3856 S Everton Terrace


Data Center Operator at
Google Mesa - Phase 3
E Elliot Rd & S Sossaman Rd
Headquartered in Mountain View, California