Data Center Map


Granbergsvagen 1
91232 Vilhelmina
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Bare Metal Servers

We take pride in our environmental focus as well in our stable and secure services. We reached beyond redundancy and availability and set our goal to preserv the planet with the same focus as we do with our technical solutions. Our patent solutions makes it possible to have less hardware but obtain better redundancy. We only use 100% free cooling and every bit of excess heat is transferred and recycled.

Our team is spread world wide making it possible to have empoyees working from remote offices makes saving in both travels and time. We have company members in USA, Sweden, South of Europe, Asia and we all strive against the same goal.

Presently the initial design of the 2N+2 will be equipped with our patent pending CrossXT bus distribution, 4N communication fiber connection and a future 2N generator power with CrossX capability. The Rootcom design achieves the highest level that is of redundancy and availability at the same time reduces the initial costs and investment, increases future growth flexibility, and increases the site security.

Fully free cooled setup with no additional Air Conditioning units needed brings down the overhead costs which makes it possible for us to sell services at a lower price but with the same functions as compressors, blowers and condensers.

Rootcom colocation services help you to safeguard mission-critical data with the highest levels of security and operational reliability with an industry-leading uptime track record of >99.999%. We can help you configure and support your high-power density deployments with our in-house experts.

Choose between 7kw - 36kw. Our in-house patents can allow for high power per rack, fast scalability and expandability.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Rootcom, other data centers in Vilhelmina or operated by Rootcom, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Granbergsvagen 1.
DistanceData CenterAddress
94.65 kmNordlo LyckseleNorra Torggatan 12
160.13 kmatNorth SWE02Hamre Industripark
232.76 kmEcoDataCenter PiteåTräskåsvägen 229
236.76 kmEcoDataCenter Piteå 2Mejselvägen 15
238.71 kmDC-LJU-SE-CYGRIDSFolketshusvägen 10
267.93 kmArdent BodenHydrogrand 2
268.04 kmAelg / TurisHydrogränd 3
277.39 kmMeta Lulea Data CenterDatavägen 15
322.7 kmInternetport HudiksvallSjötullsgatan 16
330.9 kmITsjefen NDC4Tungavegen 30


Data Center Operator at
Granbergsvagen 1
Headquartered in Vilhelmina, Sweden