Data Center Map

Cluj Napoca Data Centers

Below you will find locations of 8 data centers in Cluj Napoca, Romania.
To find other data center locations and colocation, cloud or connectivity providers in Romania, please click here.
Detailed Listings
GTS Telecom DC Cluj-Napoca
GTS Telecom
Strada Gării 21
400267 Cluj-Napoca
Cluj, Romania
GTS DC Cluj, the newest GTS Telecom data center, offering Disaster Recovery solutions for the Customers
efect.RO DC1
Str. Jan Huss 29
400394 Cluj-Napoca
efectRO Data Center Cluj powered by APC, IBM, Uniflair, WMware and a team of experienced IT professionals.
AdNet - DataCity Cluj Napoca
BinBox Global Services
Strada Otetului, Nr.5A
400380 Cluj Napoca
Cluj, Romania
IBM Virtualization hardware platform. VMWare and/or SOLUSVM. Ideal solution for Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity.
efect.RO DC2
Cluj Innovation Park, Str. Tiberiu Popoviciu nr. 2-4
400647 Cluj-Napoca
The efect.RO DC2 data center, situated in the heart of Cluj Innovation Park, represents a significant stride in Romania's digital infrastructure.
CiaNet Data Center
Compania de Informatica Aplicata
Strada Fabricii 145a
400394 Cluj-Napoca
Cluj, Romania
Starting with 1990's the company was adapted and reoriented towards the new market segment offered by the introduction of IBM-PC compatible microcomputers. The company's name is now COMPANIA DE INFORMATICA APLICATA S.A. Cluj-Napoca
WebFactor Data Center
Strada Alexandru Vaida Voevod 2
400592 Cluj-Napoca
Cluj, Romania
Scalis Datacenter is a state of the art datacenter located in downtown Cluj-Napoca
Starnet Media TRANSIDATA
Starnet Media
Strada Cloșca 1
400394 Cluj-Napoca
Please see the profile for further details about Starnet Media TRANSIDATA.
Orange Romania - Cluj-Napoca
Aleea Padin 15
400535 Cluj-Napoca
Please see the profile for further details about Orange Romania - Cluj-Napoca.
Cluj Napoca Data Center Insight
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