Data Center Map

Middle East Data Centers

We currently have 236 data centers listed, from 17 countries in Middle East. Click on a country below, to explore its data center locations.

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CountryData Centers
Saudi Arabia35
United Arab Emirates32
Total Data Centers:236
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Middle East Data Center Market
Obtaining data center services in the Middle East can be challenging, as some of the countries are not very well developed while others are very rich - and at the same time the business cultures are very different in the Middle Eastern region.

It is however possible to find colocation facilities and service providers in most of the countries in the region, so getting needs for colocation, managed hosting, virtual servers, cloud hosting, IP transit etc. is possible, but as a potential customer for services in the Middle East you must accept the fact that the number of potential providers to choose from is often very limited. Our servicecan assist you in filtering the few options are are available though, via our search/filtering functionality, interactive map and data center reviews.

In addition we have a quote service, where you can request quotes from service providers in the region for the hosting needs you have. This service is free of charge and enables you to easily receive quotes directly from the Middle Eastern service providers we are cooperating with.

One of the limitations to keep in mind for the region, is that the connectivity is very limited to some of the countries due to the very small portion of the populations that utilize internet and phone services. This means that many of the markets are more fragile to cable breaks etc. - which has been demonstrated in the past where countries like Egypt were cribbled for a longer period of time due to cable breaks.
Middle East Quotes
Do you need to procure colocation, cloud, connectivity or other data center services in Middle East or other locations?
We can help you navigate the market, through our many years of experience and deep relationships with providers.
Please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation on your data center requirements!