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YAR-IX - Yaroslavl Internet Exchange

The Yaroslavl Internet Exchange (YAR-IX) is a pivotal Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Yaroslavl, Russia. It serves as a crucial hub for local and regional Internet traffic, enabling efficient and cost-effective data exchange between various Internet service providers (ISPs) and operators.
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The Yaroslavl Internet Exchange (YAR-IX) is a pivotal Internet Exchange Point (IXP) located in Yaroslavl, Russia. It serves as a crucial hub for local and regional Internet traffic, enabling efficient and cost-effective data exchange between various Internet service providers (ISPs) and network operators. By facilitating direct interconnections, YAR-IX helps improve the speed, reliability, and overall performance of Internet services in the region. The exchange supports advanced networking technologies and protocols, including IPv6, to ensure robust and future-proof connectivity solutions for its members.

Location: Yaroslavl, Russia


Peering Data

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