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DE-CIX Palermo - DE-CIX Palermo

DE-CIX Palermo is a strategically located Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Palermo, Italy, offering low-latency access to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian markets.
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DE-CIX Palermo is a strategically located Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Palermo, Italy, offering low-latency access to African, Middle Eastern, and Asian markets. Situated just 5-15 milliseconds from North Africa, DE-CIX Palermo provides the lowest latency path to these regions via multiple and diverse submarine cable systems. The IXP is part of the largest neutral interconnection ecosystem in Southern Europe, connecting over 30 carriers and serving as the Sicily Hub.

By connecting to DE-CIX Palermo, you can peer with networks in Palermo and remotely with networks at multiple other DE-CIX locations through the GlobePEER Remote service. The IXP offers a range of services including GlobePEER, DirectCLOUD, VirtualPNI, and advanced security features like Blackholing. Getting connected is straightforward, with a simple form-filling process to get you up and running within days.

Location: Palermo, Italy

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by TI Sparkle

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