Data Center Map

Hanauer Landstrasse 296-326

Union Investment Real Estate GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 302
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Visit Website

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This is a campus listing, that covers multiple data centers. Click below listings for further details:
Data CenterOperated ByDetails
Hanauer Landstrasse 304-306 (FRA2)Digital Realty
Hanauer Landstrasse 302 (FRA1)Digital Realty
NTT Frankfurt 2NTT Global Data Centers
Tiscali FrankfurtTessellis
HORN & COSIFAN Computersysteme GmbHHORN & COSIFAN Computersysteme GmbH
Colt Frankfurt CityColt Technology Services
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Hanauer Landstrasse 296-326, other data centers in Frankfurt or operated by Union Investment Real Estate GmbH, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.

Union Investment Real Estate GmbH

Data Center Operator at
Hanauer Landstrasse 296-326
Hanauer Landstraße 302
Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany
