TelCo Center, Tier III+, is located in the area Paris, France, and the colocation datacenter is carrier neutral.
Located in Courbevoie, this data center provides, to all market players, a housing space of
1500 m2, distributed over several air-conditioned and secure rooms.
Telco Center provides :
• neutral housing
• exchange node
• continuity of services
• energy efficient management
Two major ambitions :
? Ensure neutrality of access by connecting customers, with complete
transparency, to access services or third services from different datacenters.
? Ensure continuity of services through a secure facility that provides dual optical
adduction and physical redundancy for high availability of services (energy, air
conditioning, access control, fire, humidity).
The advantages of TelCo Center :
? Energy efficient design for improved environmental management
? Construction in the state of the art
? Dual optical adduction and physical redundancy for high
availability of critical systems and services
? Electric and climate secure facilities, classified Tier III + and high energy capacity,
? Penalty of qualified technicians for ongoing maintenance 24/24 and 7 / 7
? Remote hands
? Infrastructure, dark fiber to ethernet, multi-operator : connectivity provided to all
major market players, in complete neutrality.
about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.