Data Center Map

conova communications GmbH

conova communications GmbH
Karolingerstrasse 36A
5020 Salzburg
Visit Website
conova communications GmbH Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Bare Metal Servers
Public Cloud Servers

The conova communications datacenter in the city of Salzburg provides space for more then 10000 servers and provides highly sophisticated and advanced services:

* Dual redundant power feeds from the utility with a dedicated 30kV transformer stations
* Highly advanced VESDA system with a fully automatic fire suppression system based on nitrogen
* Two-stage security concept using electronic access control and biometric hand-vene verifications
* carrier-neutral, with multiple meet-me rooms and a large selection of carriers
* High performance and N+1 redundant AC system
* Supports direct and/or watercooled racks
* Highly qualified on-site support staff
* 24x7 operations

conova communications GmbH - Datacenter conova
conova communications GmbH - 3D - guided tour
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in conova communications GmbH, other data centers in Salzburg or operated by conova communications GmbH, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Karolingerstrasse 36A.
DistanceData CenterAddress
4.47 kmEXA Edge DC SalzburgSchillerstrasse 30
10.96 kmconova communications GmbHSolvay-Halvic Strasse 70
79.68 kmworglWEB Data CenterZauberwinklweg 2a
86.91 kmeww ITandTEL WelsKnorrstrasse 10
92.18 kmeww ITandTEL MarchtrenkSchafbergstrasse 1
95.96 kmmenkiSys Rechenzentrum Nittnerstrasse 12
98.29 kmSynaforce HofkirchenIT-Zentrum, 1
101.14 kmPortus Data Centers MuenchenMarsstr. 5
102.2 kmNTT Munich 1Ammerthalstraße 10
102.68 kmWIIT AG - MUC 8Hans-Stießberg-Straße 2b

Sales Team
conova communications GmbH

conova communications GmbH

conova communications GmbH

Data Center Operator at
conova communications GmbH
Karolingerstrasse 36A
Headquartered in Salzburg, Austria