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Google Prince William County - Building 4

Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
Bldg 4
20136 Bristow
Virginia, USA
Visit Website
Google Logo

A Google-affiliated company has obtained approval for the development of an 181-acre data center campus in Bristow, Virginia. The project aims to establish a robust data infrastructure within Prince William County.

The proposed campus is slated to feature four data center buildings, an electric substation, various auxiliary equipment structures, and a small administrative building. Plans for the development were initially presented in November 2023, targeting a site along the northern stretch of Wellington Road and to the west of Piney Branch Lane. This parcel of land was formerly owned by Atlantic Research Corp, a contractor for the Department of Defense engaged in missile and rock testing until 2005.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that Google does not list its data center locations publicly. Hence all listings in our database are based on publicly available information from third parties, open databases, property registries, construction applications, permits, tenders, news coverage and our custom research. There may be incorrect or outdated locations, as well as locations missing.

Part of Google Prince William County Campus

This profile is a sublisting to the campus listing Google Prince William County Campus.
- Click here to view the profile for Google Prince William County Campus

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Google Prince William County - Building 4, other data centers in Bristow or operated by Google, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.19 milesGoogle Prince William County CampusWellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
0.21 milesGoogle Prince William County - Building 3Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
0.36 milesGoogle Prince William County - Building 2Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
0.41 milesGoogle Prince William County - Building 1Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
0.47 milesAmazon AWS IAD - 5845 Wellington5845 Wellington Rd
0.47 milesAmazon AWS IAD - 5945 Wellington5945 Wellington Rd
0.47 milesAmazon AWS IAD - 5915 Wellington5915 Wellington Rd
0.47 milesAmazon AWS IAD - Wellington Campus (Bristow)5845-5915 Wellington Rd
0.57 milesMicrosoft - 13490 University Blvd13490 University Blvd
0.82 milesMicrosoft - 13490 University Blvd5941 Wellington Rd


Data Center Operator at
Google Prince William County - Building 4
Wellington Road & Piney Branch Lane
Headquartered in Mountain View, California