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CyrusOne Broadlands Campus

CyrusOne Data Centers
Education Ct / Broadlands Blvd
20148 Broadlands
Virginia, USA
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CyrusOne's Broadlands Campus is set to be a state-of-the-art data center complex located in Loudoun County, Virginia. Acquired by CyrusOne, a leading global data center developer and operator, the campus will span a significant 57.6-acre land parcel. This strategic location near the intersection of the Dulles Greenway toll road and Belmont Ridge Road positions the campus to serve hyperscale cloud providers and large-scale companies with cutting-edge digital infrastructure.

CyrusOne's expansion into Loudoun County reflects the company's commitment to growth and its strategic plans to meet the robust demand in the Northern Virginia market. The development is consistent with existing zoning and aims to deliver top-tier digital infrastructure solutions that align with the growing needs of CyrusOne's customers.

CyrusOne stands out for its sustainability efforts, having accelerated its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The company's sustainability initiatives focus on energy efficiency, water conservation, biodiversity, and the circular economy. These efforts are detailed annually in CyrusOne's Sustainability Report, underscoring the company's dedication to responsible development and operation of its data centers.

This is a campus listing, that covers multiple data centers. Click below listings for further details:
Data CenterOperated ByDetails
CyrusOne Broadlands - Building 4CyrusOne Data CentersBuilding 4
CyrusOne Broadlands - Building 1CyrusOne Data CentersBuilding 1
CyrusOne Broadlands - Building 2CyrusOne Data CentersBuilding 2
CyrusOne Broadlands - Building 3CyrusOne Data CentersBuilding 3
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in CyrusOne Broadlands Campus, other data centers in Ashburn or operated by CyrusOne Data Centers, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
CyrusOne Data Centers

CyrusOne Data Centers

Data Center Operator at
CyrusOne Broadlands Campus
Education Ct / Broadlands Blvd
Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas