Data Center Map
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According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Under Construction

Skybox Legacy Campus

Skybox Datacenters
within about 25 miles north of Downtown Austin
75075 Plano
Texas, USA

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within about 25 miles north of Downtown Austin
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Skybox Datacenters Logo

Private Cabinets
Remote Hands

The Skybox Legacy campus offers businesses a strategic location within the Dallas metro area, providing access to a wealth of connectivity options and skilled IT professionals. This campus delivers immediate availability and customizable solutions, catering to enterprises seeking rapid deployment and tailored configurations.

Businesses desiring flexible datacenter options that can be deployed quickly within the Dallas market will find the Skybox Legacy campus a compelling choice. Its focus on customization and established infrastructure provides a reliable foundation for growth in this dynamic region.

This is a campus listing, that covers multiple data centers.
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Skybox Legacy Campus, other data centers in Dallas or operated by Skybox Datacenters, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Skybox Datacenters

Skybox Datacenters

Data Center Operator at
Skybox Legacy Campus
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas