Data Center Map
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320 Hill

320 Hill Avenue
37210 Nashville
Tennessee, USA
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10,000 sq ft commercially developed data center space availiable, previously leased to Verizon Wireless for 10years. Building has several offices for technicians, main offices for executives, conference room, men and womens bathroom, and loading dock. The building has 100 tons of Leibert cooling units, two 20 ton leibert units, four 10 ton units in back, two 10 ton units on the roof. There is a slab for a generator, 2 fire suppression systems (one for data center one for office). Video surveillance throught building, smartphone compatible, electric gate, barbed wire fence in back, Fiber-optic connectivity in place, overhead wiring and venting. Total bandwidth: 35Gbit/s (36 fiber pairs @ 9.9 Gbits/s). Building was chosen by Verizon because of excellent placement and is not able to be flooded based on the building being above flood zones. We are a technology support provider but our business does not involve data centers, we need to find someone who can benifet from a building such as 320 hill. Please call George Ziady @ 615-405-8137 if interested.

320 Hill - Outside Front
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in 320 Hill, other data centers in Nashville or operated by CPR, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 320 Hill Avenue.
DistanceData CenterAddress
1.38 milesCogent Data Center - Nashville338 Woodycrest Ave
1.64 milesEdgeConneX Nashville - EDCNAS011841 Air Lane Dr, Building 3
2 milesLumen Berry Hill708 Melrose Ave
2.69 milesLumen Nashville 12990 Sidco Drive
2.91 milesLumen Nashville 22530 Perimeter Place Drive
3.28 milesH5 Data Centers Nashville211 Commerce St
3.29 milesIRIS Nashville211 Commerce Street
3.3 milesDataBank - zColo - 209 10th Ave South209 10th Ave South
4.08 milesWindstream Nashville940 3rd Ave North
5.65 milesLumen Nashville 32208 9th Ave North


Data Center Operator at
320 Hill
320 Hill Avenue
Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee