Data Center Map

Scott Data Center

Scott Technology Center
6825 Pine St.
68106 Omaha
Nebraska, USA
Visit Website
Scott Technology Center Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

The Scott Data Center is an 80,000sqft. facility located next to the University of Nebraska-Omaha's Peter Kiewit Institute. Adjacent to the data center is the Scott Technology Center which offers leased office space. The data center was built in 2006 and features fully redundant infrastructure and weather-hardened concrete walls for wind and storm resistance.

The Scott Data Center is a Tier III facility. The data center features fully redundant power and communications utilities. Each incoming power feed has a separate and paralleled UPS system. The facility utilizes four independent 1500KW backup generators to complement its redundant utility feeds. Fire suppression systems are fully independent and redundant.

[X] 24/7 access
[X] 24/7 staff on site
[X] 24/7 security guard(s)
[ ] Remote hands available
[X] Automatic fire suppression
[X] Environmental Monitoring
[X] Video surveillance
[X] Alarm system
[X] Aircondition
[X] Generator

[X] Rental of suites/rooms
[X] Rental of cages
[X] Rental of foot prints
[X] Rental of racks
[ ] Hosting of individual servers
[ ] Dedicated servers
[ ] Virtual servers
[X] Office space

The Scott Data Center is a carrier-neutral facility with diverse paths throughout the Omaha metro area. Backhauls are available to a carrier hotel located in downtown Omaha at 1623 Farnam St.

Scott Data Center
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Scott Data Center, other data centers in Omaha or operated by Scott Technology Center, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 6825 Pine St..
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.07 milesLumen Omaha 16805 Pine St
2.5 milesLoCoCoLo1207 South 75th St
4.12 milesWindstream Omaha1721 St Marys Ave
4.22 miles1623 Farnam1623 Farnam Street
4.37 milesFNTS Data Center201 N 16th St
4.81 milesCogent Data Center - Omaha810 S 7th St
5.12 milesIP Pathways Omaha5940 S 118th Circle
5.83 milesLightEdge - Omaha1148 American Parkway
5.83 milesLumen Bellevue1514 Chandler Road West
6.63 milesTierPoint Omaha-Bellevue1001 Fort Crook Road North
Scott Technology Center

Scott Technology Center

Data Center Operator at
Scott Data Center
6825 Pine St.
Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska