Data Center Map

Windstream Minneapolis

401 2nd Ave S
55401 Minneapolis
Minnesota, USA
Visit Website
Windstream Logo

Private Cabinets
Remote Hands
Bare Metal Servers

Please visit the website of Windstream for further details about Windstream Minneapolis.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Windstream Minneapolis, other data centers in Minneapolis or operated by Windstream, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 401 2nd Ave S.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.06 kmipHouse331 2nd Ave S
0.32 km250 Marquette Avenue250 Marquette Avenue
0.54 kmLumen Minneapolis 1222 S 9th Street
0.79 kmT5@Minneapolis1001 3rd Ave S
1.09 kmCologix MIN1511 11th Ave South
1.1 km511 Building511 11th Avenue South
1.22 kmDataBank MSP4 - Downtown511 11th Avenue S
1.23 kmCologix MIN3511 11th Ave S
1.23 kmAureon Minneapolis511 11th Ave S
1.23 kmCologix MIN4511 11th Ave S


Data Center Operator at
Windstream Minneapolis
401 2nd Ave S
Headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas