Data Center Map

Lightpath Data Center

300 Bent St
02141 Cambridge
Massachusetts, USA
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Cambridge Network Solutions has several buildings located in Cambridge MA that are positioned along Bent St. These facilities are owned by CNS directly and have access to our new 864 fiber footprint with connections to several data centers within the area along with local carriers that can offer both Lit and dark services to our customer. CNS is very competitive with power and does not focus our business on revenue from cross connects. Our goal is to lease space and access to our customer and make it easier for them to conduct business day to day. CNS is very open to provide the best solution for our customer and will adapt the space if need be to make it right for their solution.

This data center has timeline events listed. Typically events are related to M&A history, rebranding, capacity expansions etc.
2021 - M&A - Cambridge Network Solutions Data Center
Company name: Cambridge Network Solutions (CNS)
Lightpath acquired Cambridge Network Solutions (CNS) on June 16, 2021
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Lightpath Data Center, other data centers in Cambridge MA or operated by Lightpath, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 300 Bent St.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.02 milesLumen Cambridge 1300 Bent Street
0.16 milesVerizon Boston #289 Fulkerson St
0.5 milesLumen Cambridge 21 Main Street
0.65 milesCoreSite Boston (BO1)70 Innerbelt Road
0.74 milesFirstLight Somerville70 Inner Belt Road
0.81 milesEvocative BOS150 Inner Belt Road
1.04 milesCrown Castle Boston56 Roland St
1.18 milesTierPoint Boston-Charleston500 Rutherford Avenue
1.2 milesWindstream Boston500 E Rutherford
1.49 milesEquinix BO174 West Street


Data Center Operator at
Lightpath Data Center
300 Bent St
Headquartered in Jericho, New York