Data Center Map

Bluebird Quad Cities Data Center

Bluebird Network
2701 Devils Glen Rd
52722 Bettendorf
Iowa, USA
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Straddling the Iowa-Illinois border, Bluebird Quad Cities Data Center (BBQC) is a short drive from many major cities including Cedar Rapids, Peoria, Champaign-Urbana and the Chicago suburbs. Offering safety, security and reliability, BBQC leverages Bluebird's carrier-class fiber network - connecting the Midwest for the next era of productivity.

Not only does the BBQC offer best-in-class colocation, Bluebird owns the fiber. This means your connection to the outside world is never subject to someone else's transport or network.

Bluebird Quad Cities Data Center - Colohub photos
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Bluebird Quad Cities Data Center, other data centers in Davenport or operated by Bluebird Network, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 2701 Devils Glen Rd.
DistanceData CenterAddress
7.18 milesSFN IA-Davenport2814 N Clark St
8.67 milesMeta DavenportHillandale Rd & Enterprise Way
59.66 milesUS Secure Hosting Center24253 US Highway 151
59.96 milesITS Data Center22068 Business Hwy 151
65.29 milesArk Data Centers Marion5055 Rec Dr
69.1 milesQTS Cedar Rapids IBig Cedar Industrial Park, Edgewood Rd SW & 76th Ave SW
70.95 milesEnseva Hiawatha Datacenter755 Metzger Dr
75.37 milesPearl Technology Peoria Data Center606 NE Jefferson Street
88.56 milesDataPoint Data Center4901 Colt Road
93.31 milesMeta DeKalb Data Center1510 E Gurler Rd

Bluebird Network

Data Center Operator at
Bluebird Quad Cities Data Center
2701 Devils Glen Rd
Headquartered in Columbia, Missouri