Data Center Map

STACK Infrastructure CHI01A

1441 Touhy Ave
60007 Elk Grove Village
Illinois, USA
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Private Cabinets
Remote Hands

STACK Infrastructure is a leading provider of digital infrastructure to scale the world's most innovative companies. The Company delivers an extensive geographic footprint spanning the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific and a comprehensive suite of data center and digital infrastructure solutions, including hyperscale campuses and build-to-suit data centers ("HYPERSTACK"), immediately available wholesale colocation and private data suites ("READYSTACK"), and powered shell options ("POWERSTACK").

STACK's CHIA01A in Elk Grove is conveniently located close to several major fiber providers, O’Hare International Airport, and the city of Chicago. This popular destination offers low-latency connectivity to many Midwestern regions.

Stack Infrastructure CHI01A Brochure.pdf
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in STACK Infrastructure CHI01A, other data centers in Chicago or operated by STACK INFRASTRUCTURE, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 1441 Touhy Ave.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.06 milesSTACK Infrastructure CHI01B1301 Touhy Ave
0.43 milesCDW Elk Grove Data Center1441 Touhy Ave
0.53 milesStream DC Chicago I2080 Lunt Avenue
0.66 milesEquinix CH31905 Lunt Avenue
0.75 milesEdgeConneX Chicago - EDCCHI022021 Lunt Ave
0.86 milesEdgeConneX Chicago - EDCCHI011800 Nicholas Blvd
0.88 milesColoCrossing CH12200 Busse Road
0.88 milesDeft Elk Grove Village2200 Busse Rd
0.88 milesRackspace Chicago2200 Busse Road
0.88 miles2200 Busse Road (CH1)2200 Busse Road


Data Center Operator at
STACK Infrastructure CHI01A
1441 Touhy Ave
Site Code: CHI01A
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas