Data Center Map

Equinix MI1 (NAP of the Americas)

50 NE 9th Street
33132 Miami
Florida, USA
Visit Website
Equinix Logo

Private Cabinets

The Equinix MI1 data center is commonly known as NAP of the Americas (NOTA), as it was built to be a major network hub between Latin America and North America.

It was originally operated by Terremark Worldwide and known as their flagship facility. Terremark and its data center assets were acquired by Verizon in 2011. In 2017 Verizon sold its data center assets, incl. NAP of the Americas and 28 other data centers, to Equinix. Since then, it has been known as EquiniX MI1. Some also refer to it by its address, 50 NE 9th Street.

The data center is a 6 story facility with 750,000 square feet of space, making it one of the largest and most interconnected data centers. Not just in Miami or Florida, but globally. The majority of the traffic being exchanged between Latin America and US, runs through this data center.

The building is designed to withstand category 5 hurricane level winds, data center floors start at 32 feet above sea level and the exterior panels are seven inch thick and made of steel-reinforced concrete. It is located outside of FEMA 500 year flood zone.

The data center is designed as a Tier III class facility and holds the following certifications:
- ISO 22301
- ISO 27001
- NIST 800-53/FISMA High
- SOC 1 Type II
- SOC 2 Type II

Equinix MI1 Specsheet
© Equinix - MI1 Building
© Equinix - MI1 Entrance
Equinix MI1 (NAP of the Americas) - NAP of the Americas
Also Known As
This data center has alternative names or addresses listed, that it may also be known by.
This is typically due to M&A history, rebranding etc., but can also be due to address changes or alternative address formats.
NAP of the Americas
Company: Terremark Worldwide
Terremark was acquired by Verizon in 2011.
NAP of the Americas
Company: Verizon
Equinix acquired 29 data centers from Verizon in 2017.
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Equinix MI1 (NAP of the Americas), other data centers in Miami or operated by Equinix, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 50 NE 9th Street.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.03 milesIPXON Miami50 NE 9th St
0.03 milesHivelocity - Miami 150 NE 9th St
0.03 milesLumen Miami 450 NE 9th St
0.29 milesLumen Miami49 N.W. 5th Street
0.47 milesSouth Reach Networks36 NE 2nd Street
0.47 milesEquinix MI236 Northeast Second Street
0.48 milesColocation America MiamiDC136 NE 2nd St
0.48 milesNetcroHosting36 NE 2nd St
0.49 milesNocRoom Miami Colocation and VPS36 NE 2nd Street
0.49 miles36 NE 2nd St (MIA10)36 NE 2nd Street


Data Center Operator at
Equinix MI1 (NAP of the Americas)
50 NE 9th Street
Site Code: MI1
Headquartered in Redwood City, California