Data Center Map
Archived Listing

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Axios Hosting

5000 T-Rex Ave
33431 Boca Raton
Florida, USA
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Bare Metal Servers
Public Cloud Servers

Common features within our facility include...
Category 5 rated structure
11,000 sq. ft. poured in place/tilt wall concrete construction
Twin T/Double T design roof
Loading Docks (1)
HID Access Control at all facility entry points


Five, 2000KW (10MW total) diesel powered N+1 redundant standby power configuration
90,000 gallon onsite fuel capacity (2 45,000 gallon subterrainian fuel cells)
Full Building Load Test conducted monthly
12 day run time

NTT Communications, Level 3 Communications, XO Communications and Fiberlight
Main Network Hardware
Dual redundant enterprise class Cisco 7600 series edge devices
Dual redundant enterprise class Cisco 6500 series core devices.
Aggregate Network Hardware
Quad Stacked Cisco 3700 series devices
Fully meshed Dual Cisco 2900 series devices
Redundant Foundry ServerIron XL load balancers
Multiple InfoBlox DNS servers, fully grid meshed

Also Known As
This data center has alternative names or addresses listed, that it may also be known by.
This is typically due to M&A history, rebranding etc., but can also be due to address changes or alternative address formats.
Company: Axios Hosting
Axios Hosting merged with IPR Secure on May, 2018.
Company: IPR Secure
IPR Secure was acquired by DāSTOR on 16-Jul-2021
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Axios Hosting, other data centers in Boca Raton or operated by DaSTOR, LLC, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 5000 T-Rex Ave.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.06 milesCogent Data Center - Boca Raton5050 Conference Way North
0.16 milesEquinix MI34680 Conference Way South
1.56 miles3500 NW3500 NW 2nd Ave
1.56 miles365 Data Centers-Boca Raton-Phase 23500 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Bldg 900
1.65 miles365 Data Centers-Boca Raton-Ph. 3&43500 NW Boca Raton Blvd, Bldg 800
7.1 milesVolico Deerfield500 NW 48 Street
7.15 milesVolico Fort Lauderdale500 Green Rd
14.86 milesFlexential Fort Lauderdale Data Center5301 NW 33rd Ave
15.07 miles365 Data Centers - Fort Lauderdale3250 W Commercial Blvd
18.67 milesLumen Fort Lauderdale 1200 NW 2nd Street


Data Center Operator at
Axios Hosting
5000 T-Rex Ave
Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware