Data Center Map

2820 Northwestern Pkwy (SJC34)

Digital Realty
2820 Northwestern Pkwy
95051 Santa Clara
California, USA
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Facility Specs

Building: 2 stories 40,000 (sq.ft.)

Telx Leased: 40,000 (sq.ft.)

Flood Zone: Outside of the 100 year flood plain

Seismic: Zone 4

Utility Power Capacity: 25000 (kW)

UPS Power Capacity: 5700 (kW)

UPS Redundancy: 2N

Power Density: 425 (W/sq.ft.)

DC Power Capacity: N/A

Generator Power Capacity: 24000 (kW)

Generator Redundancy: N+1

Cooling Redundancy: 2N

Roof: Membrane and reinforced decking, Roof rights available

Floor Loading: 250 (lbs/sq.ft.)

Fiber and Building Entry: Multiple diverse conduit entry points to building and campus

Security: 24x365 manned security, Biometric and key card access control system, Digital video monitoring and recording, SSAE 16 SOC2 Complaint

Parking: Available

2820 Northwestern Pkwy (SJC34) - Telx SCL2 Data Center
Also Known As
This data center has alternative names or addresses listed, that it may also be known by.
This is typically due to M&A history, rebranding etc., but can also be due to address changes or alternative address formats.
Telx SCL2 - Santa Clara
Company: Telx
Telx was acquired by Digital Realty in 2015
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in 2820 Northwestern Pkwy (SJC34), other data centers in Santa Clara or operated by Digital Realty, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 2820 Northwestern Pkwy.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0 milesDeft Silicon Valley2820 Northwestern Pkwy
0.12 milesVantage CA3 - Santa Clara III2590 Walsh Ave
0.17 milesLightEdge - Santa Clara2805 Bowers Ave
0.21 milesCoreSite Santa Clara (SV3)2901 Coronado Drive
0.25 milesCentersquare - Silicon Valley SFO1-A2401 Walsh Ave.
0.25 milesCoreSite Santa Clara (SV5)2950 Stender Way
0.25 milesCoreSite Santa Clara (SV7)3020 Coronado Drive
0.25 milesCentersquare - Silicon Valley SFO1-B2403 Walsh Ave.
0.29 milesCoreSite Santa Clara (SV6)3001 Coronado Dr
0.29 milesCoreSite Silicon Valley (SV9)2905 Stender Way

Digital Realty

Digital Realty

Data Center Operator at
2820 Northwestern Pkwy (SJC34)
2820 Northwestern Pkwy
Site Code: SJC34
Headquartered in San Francisco, California