Data Center Map
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CloudHQ LHR2

Loverose Way
OX14 4TA Didcot
United Kingdom
Visit Website
CloudHQ Logo

Part of the 37.5 acre CloudHQ LHR Campus, near the London metro.

- 50.6 MWs Critical IT Load
- 375,574 SF
- 34,892 SM
- 1 Story + Penthouse

Located strategically close to the Slough Trading Estate (west of it), with diverse fiber routes directly to the Slough Trading Estate.

Part of CloudHQ LHR Campus

This profile is a sublisting to the campus listing CloudHQ LHR Campus.
- Click here to view the profile for CloudHQ LHR Campus

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in CloudHQ LHR2, other data centers in Oxfordshire or operated by CloudHQ, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Loverose Way.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0 kmCloudHQ LHR CampusLoverose Way
0 kmCloudHQ LHR1Loverose Way
1.31 kmAmazon AWS LHR - Didcot1 Milton Road
25.99 kmAmatis Reading58 Portman Road
27.95 kmThe Bunker - Newbury Data CentreVenture West, New Greenham Park
28.55 kmMedia Datacentre NewburyUnit 6, Kingsclere Park
29.74 kmPulsant Reading EastSuttons Business Park
30.07 kmPulsant Reading SouthUnit 2, Smallmead Road
30.37 kmDaisy Reading DCUnit 1, Transcentral Bennet Rd
30.82 kmRedcentric Reading Data CentreCommensus House, 3-5 Worton Drive


Data Center Operator at
CloudHQ LHR2
Loverose Way
Site Code: LHR2
Headquartered in Washington, District of Columbia