Connected to HINET backbone, Taiwan's #1 ISP 80%, Mobile 60%, Landlane 90%, great international connections to China, Japan, and other Asia countries.
UPS N+1 redundant configuration
Generator Diesel generator with N+1 redundant configuration
Power Provision Dual power feeds: PDU to each rack
Power supply to a rack: up to 7 kVA (*)
Air Conditioning
System Water-cooling system with N+2 redundant configuration
Management of temperature and humidity (20?´C / 52.5?.5%)
Blow-out Type Raised flooring air conditioning system
Down-blow below raised floor
Fire ProtectionFire Protection
Very early smoke detection apparatus system (VESDA)
FM200 gas fire suppression system
Camera Monitoring cameras
Guard 24/7 on-site security presence
Building Access Photo identification and pre-registration required
Room Access Escort by data center staff
Connects to HINET Taiwan's #1 ISP, largest by market share, (HINET used to be Taiwan government agency until the monopoly law pass to make it a public traded company and allow other 3 Fixed Network company to be licensed.)
Standard Rack
Type Front and rear perforated door (Closed rack)
Size (WxDxH) 600 mm x 1200 mm x 2100 mm 42U
Parking space, VPS, private cloud, share hosting, CO-Location, Dedicated Server.
about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.