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FICIX2 - Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange - Helsinki

The Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange (FICIX) is the largest Internet exchange point (IXP) in Finland. Established in 1993, FICIX has been providing neutral and reliable IP peering facilities for its members.
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The Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange (FICIX) is the largest Internet exchange point (IXP) in Finland. Established in 1993, FICIX has been providing neutral and reliable IP peering facilities for its members. As a non-profit organization, FICIX operates under Finnish association law and is governed by annually elected trustees. The exchange point is known for its high-speed and high-quality IP traffic exchange facilities, with 10G and 100G ports available at its sites.

FICIX operates three main IXPs: FICIX1 at Espoo Innopoli and Telia Helsinki Datacenter, FICIX2 at Digita Helsinki Pasila and Equinix HE7, and FICIX3 at Oulu. Each site is equipped with carrier-class switching equipment and Internet root-servers. The organization welcomes IP service and content providers to join and route IP traffic efficiently within Finland, further expanding the connectivity and robustness of the Internet.

Location: Helsinki, Finland

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by Equinix

Peering Data

Our data relating to internet exchanges is sourced from internet exchange operators, network operators, data center operators, PeeringDB and manual research. To dive deeper in to peering data, we highly recommend checking out PeeringDB.