Data Center Map

IRIDEOS Arezzo Data Center

Via Piero Calamandrei 173
52100 Arezzo
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Bare Metal Servers
Public Cloud Servers

Clouditalia provides two Data Center (Rome and Arezzo) autonomous, but interconnected through a proprietary dedicated line.

They are of the latest design and exploit the best technologies of the latest generation high-density on the market: Cisco, NetApp, VMware, Tintri and EMC2.

The solution promoted by Clouditalia is represented by a mix of hardware, software and network infrastructure closely related.

Also Known As
This data center has alternative names or addresses listed, that it may also be known by.
This is typically due to M&A history, rebranding etc., but can also be due to address changes or alternative address formats.
Clouditalia Arezzo
Company: Clouditalia Telecomunicazioni
Clouditalia Telecomunicazioni was acquired by Irideos on October 4, 2018.
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in IRIDEOS Arezzo Data Center, other data centers in Arezzo or operated by IRIDEOS, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Via Piero Calamandrei 173.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.3 IT1Via Piero Gobetti, 96
2.08 IT2Via Sergio Ramelli, 8
59.63 kmEXA FlorenceVia ponte a Giogoli 105/107, Sesto Fiorentino
60.1 kmAPPlico Data CenterVia Alessandro Monteneri, 43
65.87 kmPlaynet SrlVia Provinciale Lucchese 141
73.35 kmSirius Technology DC PratoViale Montegrappa, 306
102.82 kmImola data centervia Molino Rosso 8
103.09 kmNordata SrlVia Boccherini, 31
107.48 km00gateVia Meucci, 24/i/2
114.53 kmLepida RavennaVia Fernando Santi, 10


Data Center Operator at
IRIDEOS Arezzo Data Center
Via Piero Calamandrei 173
Headquartered in Milan, Italy