Data Center Map

Microsoft Grange Castle (DUB10)

Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
22 Kilmahuddrick
Visit Website
Microsoft Logo

This Microsoft data center is part of an Azure availability zone in the North Europe Azure region (Europe).

Established in 2009 as Microsoft's first datacenter outside the US, this facility within the Grange Castle Business Park has undergone significant expansion. To address the growing power demands of the campus, Microsoft is constructing its own power station to ensure reliable service. The facility underscores Microsoft's innovation by leveraging Ireland's climate for efficient air-side economization, minimizing energy use for cooling.

Businesses seeking large-scale colocation within the European market, coupled with a provider who demonstrates a focus on energy efficiency, will find Microsoft's Dublin datacenter an attractive option.

Part of Microsoft Grange Castle Campus

This profile is a sublisting to the campus listing Microsoft Grange Castle Campus.
- Click here to view the profile for Microsoft Grange Castle Campus

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Microsoft Grange Castle (DUB10), other data centers in Dublin or operated by Microsoft, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.06 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle CampusGrange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.12 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB09)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.14 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB12)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.26 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB13)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.27 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB08)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.27 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB07)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.28 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB14)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.34 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB15)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
0.39 kmGoogle Dublin Data CenterGrange Castle Business Park
0.47 kmMicrosoft Grange Castle (DUB06)Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd


Data Center Operator at
Microsoft Grange Castle (DUB10)
Grange Castle Business Park, Nangor Rd
Site Code: DUB10
Headquartered in Redmond, Washington