Data Center Map

euNetworks Colocation Hamburg

Wendenstrasse 408
20537 Hamburg
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands


All euNetworks Colocation facilities have:
* Raised floor technical space with under-floor air-conditioning and cable trays
* EPG and UPS (for 24 hours full-load operation)

* Up to 500kg/m2 in floor load
* 24/7 monitored service
* Grounding and equi-potential bonding systems
* Monitored fire protection systems
* up to 3kW power / Rack
* 48V DC or 230V AC power
* 13 years of experience

Key Features:

* Datacenter based on Tier-2 classification for Carriers, Internet Service Providers, Content Delivery
* protected Dual feed power
* Virtual Tier 4 Colocation by combining two redundant colocation sites
* Carrier neutral facility

* Highly distributed infrastructure delivering faster response times and reduced traffic burden on destination networks
* Stringent SLA

euNetworks Colocation Hamburg - Interior View
euNetworks Colocation Hamburg - External View
Part of Wendenstrasse 408

This profile is a sublisting to the building listing Wendenstrasse 408.
- Click here to view the profile for Wendenstrasse 408

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in euNetworks Colocation Hamburg, other data centers in Hamburg or operated by euNetworks, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Wendenstrasse 408.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0 kmWendenstrasse 408Wendenstrasse 408
0 kmArtfiles W408Wendenstrasse 408
0.02 kmData Center GC Hamburg 3Wendenstrasse 408
0.02 kmIPHH Hamburg 2Wendenstrasse 408
0.13 kmn@work WendenstraßeWendenstrasse 379
0.14 kmData Center GC Hamburg 1Wendenstrasse 379
0.35 kmLumen HamburgSüderstrasse 198
0.36 kmIRZ42 Data CenterSüderstraße 195
0.36 kmn@work GrevenwegSuderstrasse 195
0.53 kmIPHH Hamburg 4Wendenstrasse 285 and 287


Data Center Operator at
euNetworks Colocation Hamburg
Wendenstrasse 408
Headquartered in London, United Kingdom