Data Center Map
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According to our data, this data center is currently listed as: Land Banked

Google Muhos

within 44km to Oulu
91500 Tahvola

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within 44km to Oulu
Visit Website
Google Logo

Google has acquired 1,400 hectares of land in Kajaani and Muhos, Finland, for €27 million ($28.5 million) to potentially develop new data centers. This strategic move aligns with Google's commitment to expanding its cloud and data center infrastructure in Finland, where it already operates a data center in Hamina. The new land acquisition is part of Google's long-term plan to support the country's growing digital ambitions and contribute to the local economy.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Google Muhos, other data centers in Oulu or operated by Google, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
DistanceData CenterAddress
40.02 kmGleSYS OuluElektroniikkatie 13-15
96.04 kmGoogle KajaaniRyynäsentie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani - Building 2Sokajärventie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani - Building 4Sokajärventie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani - Building 1Sokajärventie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani - Building 3Sokajärventie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani CampusSokajärventie
98.49 kmXTX Markets Kajaani - Building 5Sokajärventie
101.7 kmBorealis Kajaani Data CenterRenforsin Ranta Business Park, Tehdaskatu 15
205.6 kmMeta Lulea Data CenterDatavägen 15


Data Center Operator at
Google Muhos
Headquartered in Mountain View, California