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DataTrust El Salvador

DataTrust El Salvador
Km. 37 1/2 Carretera Panamericana a Santa Ana, Cd Arce
01504 Ciudad Arce
La Libertad, El Salvador
Visit Website
DataTrust El Salvador  Logo

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Public Cloud Servers

DataTrust will be the cornerstone of Aristos Real Estate’s new development, called Altius Tech Park, a visionary technological park with more than 44,000 m² of construction divided in 8 buildings.

DataTrust is the first commercial, Tier III certified data center in El Salvador. To obtain the needed experience and certification, Aristos invites the regional data center leader, CODISA Group.

From this union, experts from both companies begin their market research, technical and financial studies, designs, construction, and transfer of knowledge at the end of 2019.

In August of 2021, DataTrust received its Design Certification, becoming the first commercial data center in El Salvador to obtain this important world-class certification.

By the end of 2023, DataTrust will be a reality in El Salvador and will begin to offer its services: colocation, public cloud, private cloud, and people space.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in DataTrust El Salvador, other data centers in Ciudad Arce or operated by DataTrust El Salvador , please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Km. 37 1/2 Carretera Panamericana a Santa Ana, Cd Arce.
DistanceData CenterAddress
23.33 kmNavegalo El Salvador Data Center9 Calle Poniente & 96 Avenida N.
25.43 kmIPXON San SalvadorColonia Roma, Pasaje Carbonell #26
135.24 kmTigo DC FraijanesPanamericana, Villa Canales
147.29 kmIPXON GuatemalaEdificio 74, 7A Avenida 3-74
148.99 kmData Center Guatemala6 Av. y 10 Calle Zona 1, Plaza Vivar
152.55 kmNavegalo Guatemala Data CenterMix Condado, El Naranjo
155.97 kmKIO Guatemala8a. Avenida 19-54
242.31 kmTigo DC EvolutionParque Empresarial Periférico, Anillo Periférico
242.83 kmIFX ElvelTercer nivel, Colonia Altos del Miramonte, Sector 11
243.26 kmIFX Rio de Piedras21 Avenida, 7 Calle
DataTrust El Salvador

DataTrust El Salvador

Data Center Operator at
DataTrust El Salvador
Km. 37 1/2 Carretera Panamericana a Santa Ana, Cd Arce
Headquartered in La Libertad, Santa Ana