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Google Aabenraa Data Center

Kassøvej 26
6230 Rødekro
Visit Website
Google Logo

In 2017 Google acquired a 131 acre plot of land in Aabenraa.

The plot is located more or less next to a data center plot previously acquired by Apple and the central 400 kV Kassø substation. This substation, operated by Danish Energinet, is centered on the electrical grid connection between Denmark and Germany.

The plot was acquired by the Danish subsidiary Dapsi International ApS.
Dapsi International ApS is owned by Moonville Limited in Ireland, which is a subsidiary of Alpabet (the Google parent company).

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Google Aabenraa Data Center, other data centers in Aabenraa or operated by Google, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Kassøvej 26.
DistanceData CenterAddress
25.5 kmWindcloud BramstedtlundAm Berg
26.66 kmWNB TønderFabriksvej 1
38.69 kmWindcloud Enge-SandeLecker Str. 7
56.44 kmGlobalConnect KoldingKokbjerg 8
62.69 kmGoogle Fredericia Data CenterPrinsessens Kvartér 10
69.38 kmMeta Esbjerg Data CenterAndrupvej 80
70.72 kmBulk Data Centers - DK01 CampusGuldborgsundvej 14
84.52 kmGlobalConnect OdenseBlangstedgaardsvej 8
85.85 kmMeta Odense Data CenterKrogslundvej 140
93.2 kmennit Data CenterProjensdorfer Straße 324


Data Center Operator at
Google Aabenraa Data Center
Kassøvej 26
Headquartered in Mountain View, California