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Microsoft Quilicura (SCL03)

Caupolicán s/n
8700000 Quilicura
Visit Website
Microsoft Logo

Microsoft is planning to build a new data center in Quilicura, Santiago, Chile. The project, known as "Proyecto Microsoft SCL03," involves an investment of $317 million and aims to provide electronic data storage, backup, recovery, and information management services to various businesses. The development will take place on a 6.8-hectare site and will be carried out in two phases. The first phase includes the construction of the initial storage unit (COLO1), an administration building, a 26 MVA substation, a high-voltage transmission line, and necessary support facilities. The second phase will expand the storage building to include the second unit (COLO2) and additional infrastructure. The data center will operate continuously, 24/7, and is expected to have a lifespan of 30 years.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Microsoft Quilicura (SCL03), other data centers in Santiago or operated by Microsoft, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Caupolicán s/n.
DistanceData CenterAddress
0.64 kmAscenty - Santiago SCL2Guacolda 2100
0.64 kmAscenty - Santiago SCL3Guacolda 2100
0.64 kmAscenty - Santiago SCL1Guacolda 2100
1.42 kmEdgeConneX Santiago - SCL03Carretera General San Martin 8400
1.42 kmEdgeConneX Santiago - SCL04Carretera General San Martin 8400
2.05 kmSonda KudosVíctor Uribe
2.05 kmSonda QuilicuraVíctor Uribe 2211
2.34 kmGoogle Quilicura Data CenterEl Molino 2130
3.06 kmCirion SAN1Avenida Santa Marta de Huechuraba 6951
3.96 kmScala Data Centers SSCLHB01Av. Sta. Marta de Huechuraba 6116


Data Center Operator at
Microsoft Quilicura (SCL03)
Caupolicán s/n
Site Code: SCL03
Headquartered in Redmond, Washington