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Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz AG

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The Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz (RZO) is a TIER IV colocation Datacenter located in the Eastern Part of Switzerland and probably the greenest Datacenter today. By using 100% indirect free-cooling system and an innovative Flywheel UPS, the Datacenter reaches a PUE of below 1.15!
The DC is operated by 100% renewable energy. Furthermore, the whole building is a real power station. More than 1060 PV-panels on the roof and the facade producing 230'000 kWh solar power and we deliver 1.5 Mio. kWh of waste heat to a cheese factory in the neighborhood. The result is, that our DC produces more energy, than the operation consumes.

The offering starts at 1/3 of a Rack and ends with a 450 sqm private suite.

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Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz AG

Headquartered in St. Gallen, SG

Colocation Provider