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Libya Telecom and Technology

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Libya Telecom and Technology in an ongoing effort to improve the quality of the Internet in Libya is pleased to announce the launch of its latest accomplishment,the LTT Internet Data Center (IDC).

The LTT IDC was created to cater to the needs of a wide array of clients, from telecommunications companies, to webhosting companies Government Agencies/Ministries web applications, Schools and other educational programs, as well as providing a facility to service the needs of the general public looking for the right outlet for their business ideas.

LTT has taken multiple steps to ensure that its Data Center is fully capable Internet solution for your business. The IDC has been designed to handle power outages, by way of two backup power generators.
It is also capable of handling unforeseen Internet connection outages with multiple independent links..

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Libya Telecom and Technology

Headquartered in Tripoli, Libya

Colocation Provider