Data Center Map

ITI Limited

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ITI is the first central public sector company set up after independence. Under the "Digital India" initiative of the Government of India ITI is offering multitude of digital solutions to variety of customers. We have established Tier-III Data Center with 350 Racks serving a host of valued customers inclusive of Government Organisations, PSUs, PSU Banks, Co-operative banks, Financial Institutions, MNCs and other enterprises.

The Data Center has uptime of more than 99.982% in the last 10 years.

Encouraged with the success and positive feedback from our valued customers, ITI has recently enhanced its Data Center by additional 1000 racks incorporating state of art technologies and with paramount importance to security in offering cloud based services.

The following are range of services offered at Data Center:
. Co-location with Caging Services
. Managed Co-Location & Hosting Services (Utility Storage & Backup Services, Managed Co location, Cross connect Services, and Managed Dedicated Hosting etc.)
. Managed services (Utility Storage and Backup, Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam, Firewall & Intrusion Detection, OS Hardening etc.)
. System support Services (Database Support & Application Support)
. Professional Services (DR/ BCP Design & Development)
. Cloud Services (Public, Private, Hybrid and GCC cloud as a Iaas, Paas and Saas )
. DC/DR Services

We have also qualified ourselves with requisite certifications. The accreditations according to international standards and certifications are as below:

. Meity Empaneled CSP
. ANSI/TIA-942 (Rated-III)
. CMMi level-3
. ISO 9001: 2015
. ISO 20000-1: 2011
. ISO 27001: 2013
. ISO 27017: 2015
. ISO 27018: 2019

A brief on ITI Data Center capability is enclosed for your ready reference. We would be glad to discuss our Data Center Solutions and Services at your place or through Video conferencing. It will be our pleasure for your visit to our Data Center facility at Bangalore.

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ITI Limited

Headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka

Colocation Provider