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Estonian hosting provider was founded in 2011 year.

At the moment we are members of RIPE NCC and Microsoft SPLA partners. In general, our customer are small and medium business, which needs to get fast and reliable access to their service 24/7, without interruptions. We are providing to our clients virtual and dedicated servers as wel as custom made solutions and colocation service.
Our advantages:

100% European company, without representative offices in Russia and Ukraine;
Multilingual staff;
Security of your personal and corporate data guaranteed;
Two independent datacenters;
A clear understanding of our customers needs and the possibility of their fullfillment.

Our goal - to provide high-quality service and built long-term mutualy benefical relationship based on a trust.

Our Services:
Virtual servers -
Dedicated servers -
Colocation -
Routers for rent -

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Headquartered in Narva, Estonia

Colocation Provider