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Data center IMAQLIQ

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The IMAQLIQ data center is located in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg at street Sedova, 11B (near Avtogennaya streer). In the territory of the data center is provided easy transport accessibility (entry to the territory of any motor vehicle, 20 minutes walk from the Elizarovskaya metro station).

The Data Center is the property of Data Center Imaklik LLC. The server room is designed to accommodate up to 150 racks for various purposes. Rack sizes: width 600mm, height 42-48U, depth 600-1200mm. Additional technical rooms of the data center (3 rooms with a total area of ??85 m2) are designed to accommodate the air conditioning and power supply. All these rooms are located on the 1st floor of a building that does not have a basement. The bearing capacity of the basement of floors of technical rooms is at least 2000 kg / m2. Doorways provide the ability to import and install large equipment (racks 42-48U). There are electric forklifts with a lifting capacity of 1.5 and 5 tons, as well as manual hydraulic conveyors - jar. Additionally, in the building there are allocated places for storage of customers' equipment - a warehouse for storage of spare parts and spare equipment.

The area of ??the premises of the first stage of the data center is 360 m2 with the possibility of further expansion to 5000 m2

Power supply of the Data Center is provided according to the first special category of reliability - two independent low-voltage feeders from different transformer substations and from an additional autonomous source of power supply in the form of a diesel generator set of the required power. The power supply center of the data center provides the ability to connect telecommunication equipment with direct current voltage of 48 V and server equipment with alternating current voltage of 220 V. The estimated time of battery support for consumers of 48 V DC is 24 hours, and for consumers of alternating current 220 V. (taking into account all life support systems ) is at least 15 minutes. The design capacity for the Data Center is 1.8 MW. Up to 10 kW of electric power is allocated to each rack. A higher power connection is discussed on individual conditions.

The main grounding bus (GHS) of the equipment room is connected to a deep technological ground loop. Each rack of the equipment room is connected to the main floor with a 1 * 6 mm2 PV3 cable

Air conditioning in the Data Center is organized on the principle of hot and cold corridors. The following climatic conditions are provided in the equipment installation room:

- Temperature 20 ° C to 25 ° C
- Normal setting points: 22 ° C
- Deviation control range: ± 1 ° C
- Relative humidity: 40% to 55%
- Deviation control range: ± 5%
- All the main components of the climate system are redundant according to the N + 1 scheme and do not require a complete stop during technological maintenance

All premises of the Data Center are regime zones and are under round-the-clock protection, video surveillance is conducted. Installed access control system. Racks are equipped with locks on the front and rear doors. All these measures completely exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry into the Data Center. The territory has a guarded parking lot for employees and customers of the Data Center.

The equipment of the Data Center is protected by a system of automatic gas fire extinguishing and fire warning (security and fire alarm), displayed on the stand-by shift panel. Engineering systems that ensure the life cycle of an object are included in a single monitoring system.

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Data center IMAQLIQ

Headquartered in Saint-Petersurg, Russia

Colocation Provider