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Aqua Ray Barcelona SL

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Aqua Ray Barcelona is based in Barcelona and offers:
- hosting services (web hosting, mail, domain names)
- housing/colocation services
- bandwidth supply
- server administration services
- web design

The Aqua Ray group was founded in 2003 and became leader of the french Apple based solution hosting market, before launching subsidiaries in England and Spain.

Aqua Ray then added to its competences the development of mixed architectures based on UNIX system (Linux).
Beyond the quality of it's dedicated servers and shared hosting solutions, Aqua Ray offers customized and innovative solutions, ideal for companies, associations or communities looking for a quality of service and products based on innovative technologies.

Our added value:

- Apple & open source softwares knowledge.
- Technical expertise in administration and security of UNIX servers like Apple's Xserve, Mac Mini or Mac Pro servers, and all PC servers based on any Linux system.
- IT and online services.

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Aqua Ray Barcelona SL

Headquartered in Barcelona, Barcelona

Colocation Provider
Network Operator