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Appia Communications, Inc.

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Cloud-based applications are changing the way the world does business because they increase employee productivity, improve customer care, and reduce costs.

Selecting and managing Cloud applications, however, requires time, expertise, and experience–resources organizations don’t always have. That’s why 70 percent of top managers say they outsource whenever they can.

Appia’s mission is to help our customers realize the many benefits of the Cloud for far less than it would cost if they did it themselves.

Over the past 17 years, we’ve learned that effective communication and networking for small and midsize companies and organizations are not made with a cookie-cutter. They’re designed, to meet the unique needs of the customer. Design also drives the way we deliver our services. We understand that our services must work each and every time. So our network is both locally and geographically redundant, and supported by 24/7 monitoring and management.
The Company

Headquartered in Traverse City, Michigan, we have operations in Ashburn, VA, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, and St. Louis. We deliver services to customers with locations across in the U.S. and around the world.

Appia is a five-time honoree on Inc. Magazine’s list of the 5000 fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. We have also been recognized by MSPmentor 100, MSPmentor Elite 150, MSPmentor 501, Michigan 50 Companies to Watch, Everything Channel’s “Fast Growth 100”, and CRN Magazine’s “Fast Growth 100”.

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Appia Communications, Inc.

Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri