Data Center Map

Insidesign Ribeirao Data Center

Insidesign Tecnologia Ltda EPP
Av. Saudade, 1210 - Campos Elísios
Sala 325
14085-010 Ribeirao Preto
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Visit Website

Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Individual Servers
Remote Hands
Bare Metal Servers
Public Cloud Servers

In this DC we offer services of Co-location, Hosting of WebSites, Systems, Rack Space, Rack Rental, Streaming, Wireless Broadband to cities around Ribeirao Preto - SP.
The hosting system works with cpanel and plesk panel. Redundant power supply and multiples internet links may garantee the best ever experience for the brazilian market.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Insidesign Ribeirao Data Center, other data centers in Sao Paulo or operated by Insidesign Tecnologia Ltda EPP, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to Av. Saudade, 1210 - Campos Elísios.
DistanceData CenterAddress
2.66 kmConvex IDC Ribeirão PretoR. Bernardino de Campos, 1001
169.04 kmIFTNET SJRP01Av Bady Bassit 2966
169.54 kmCDZNet Data CenterR. Independência, 2472
192.96 kmAscenty - Sumare SUM5Rodovia Anhanguera s/n, Parque das Industrias (Nova Veneza)
192.97 kmCloudHQ GRU CampusParque das Indústrias
192.97 kmCloudHQ GRU3Parque das Indústrias
192.97 kmCloudHQ GRU1Parque das Indústrias
192.97 kmCloudHQ GRU2Parque das Indústrias
193.47 kmAscenty - Sumare SUM3Rodovia Anhanguera s/n, Parque das Industrias (Nova Veneza)
193.47 kmAscenty - Sumare SUM2Rodovia Anhanguera s/n, Parque das Industrias (Nova Veneza)

Insidesign Tecnologia Ltda EPP

Data Center Operator at
Insidesign Ribeirao Data Center
Av. Saudade, 1210 - Campos Elísios
Headquartered in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo