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Scala Data Centers SGIGSM02

Scala Data Centers
within near Rod. Pres. Dutra 4300, Scala's Sao Joao de Meriti Campus
25565 Sao Joao de Meriti

The exact location of this data center is not public,
but it is located within near Rod. Pres. Dutra 4300, Scala's Sao Joao de Meriti Campus
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Private Cabinets
Partial Cabinets
Remote Hands

Scala Data Centers expands its presence in Rio de Janeiro state with SGIGSM02, a new facility planned for a 2024 launch within the São João de Meriti campus. This datacenter will address the increasing need for scalable and reliable colocation infrastructure within this major economic hub.

Businesses seeking a datacenter partner dedicated to sustainable solutions and high-performance operations will find SGIGSM02 a strategic asset. Scala Data Centers' commitment to innovation aligns with the dynamic requirements of businesses operating within the Rio de Janeiro market.

Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in Scala Data Centers SGIGSM02, other data centers in Rio de Janeiro or operated by Scala Data Centers, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
DistanceData CenterAddress
0 kmScala Data Centers SGIGSM03Rod. Pres. Dutra
0.05 kmScala Data Centers SGIGSM01Rod. Pres. Dutra 4300
0.16 kmODATA RJ01Rod. Pres. Dutra, 4648
0.77 kmCloudHQ GIG1R. Maria Soares Sendas, Parque Barreto
1.23 kmAscenty - Rio de Janeiro RJ1Avenida Coronel Phidias Tavora, 513
1.26 kmIPXON Rio de JaneiroAvenida Coronel Phidias Távora 513
2.3 kmAscenty- Rio de Janeiro RJ2Avenida Coronel Phidias Tavora, 513
11.78 kmEquinix RJ2Estrada Adhemar Bebiano, 1380, Del Castilho
15.94 kmADA Rio de JaneiroRua Oliveira Roxo
18.66 kmCirion RIO2Av. Pedro II, 235

Scala Data Centers

Data Center Operator at
Scala Data Centers SGIGSM02
Site Code: SGIGSM02
Headquartered in Tamboré, Brazil