The Lytton facility is currently our public colocation facility. Oz Servers commissioned this Data Centre in 2010 and upgraded and updated what was already a well known and respected facility.
Lytton DC offers Oz Servers colocation clients a clean a well maintained building housing excellent power and excellent data feeds as well as UPS, generator backups and FM200 fire suppression.
Lytton Facility Features 5 Individual power segments, for A+B, B+C, C+D, D+E or E+A Power segregation. N+1 CRAC Computer-Room Air-Conditioners, each with Internal N+1 Compressors and Fans, individually plumbed for complete segregation and standalone operation. Video Camera Surveillance with off site monitoring. VESDA Very Early Smoke Detection and Alerting capability with N+1 Redundant FM200 Gas Fire Supression System. Multiple diverse fibre-optic paths are available with Diverse Telstra Feeds to two exchanges, PIPE Fibre, TPG, Optus and Uecomm directly fibred into the Data Centre floor.
Also Known As
This data center has alternative names or addresses listed, that it may also be known by. This is typically due to M&A history, rebranding etc., but can also be due to address changes or alternative address formats.
Oz Servers Datacenter
Company: Oz Servers Pty Ltd
Servers Australia acquired Brisbane hosting provider Oz Servers on September 18, 2017
Pricing & Services
If you are looking for colocation, cloud, connectivity or other services in ServersAustralia Brisbane, other data centers in Brisbane or operated by ServersAustralia, please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation about your data center needs. We use a best effort process to qualify opportunities and route them to matching operators.
Nearest Data Centers
The below data centers are located closest to 96 Lytton Road.