Data Center Map

Asia Data Centers

We currently have 785 data centers listed, from 18 countries in Asia. Click on a country below, to explore its data center locations.

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CountryData Centers
Hong Kong78
South Korea45
Total Data Centers:785
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Asia Data Center Market
As the markets in Asia are emerging, there are a lot of providers and colocation facilities. Unfortunately it can be a very hard market to navigate though, with varying quality and business culture, so finding potential providers of services such as managed hosting, colocation, dedicated servers, IP transit, cloud servers etc. will often be a challenge if you have no recommendations to go by. DCM can be a very handy tool in filtering out the potential providers in the Asia region though, via our search functions, filtering functionality, quote service and reviews.

Our quote service makes it possible for companies to request impartial and non-obligating price proposals, via the Asian service providers that we are cooperating with.

India, as the huge country with a very large IT workforce it is, is one of the largest markets in the region. However, the primary markets used by western countries are often Singapore and Hong Kong, due to their business culture and their roles in the financial markets. A lot of the connecitivity in the region is therefore also exchanged here.
Asia Quotes
Do you need to procure colocation, cloud, connectivity or other data center services in Asia or other locations?
We can help you navigate the market, through our many years of experience and deep relationships with providers.
Please try our free quote service or reach out for a free consultation on your data center requirements!