Data Center Map

Unitas Global Co.,ltd.

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Below you can see an overview of Unitas Global Co.,ltd. data centers and their locations.
Click on an Unitas Global Co.,ltd. data center to explore its location, market and specifications further.

6 data centers
3 markets

Data CenterAddressMarket
Unitas Global Tokyo Komagome DC
Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo
Japan Tokyo
Unitas Global Kobe DC
Kobe-city, Hyogo-ken
Japan Kobe
Unitas Global Chiba Inzai DC
Inzai-city Chiba
Japan Tokyo
Unitas Global Tokyo Shiohama DC
Koto-ku Tokyo
Japan Tokyo
Unitas Global Osaka DC
1-26-1 Shin-Machi Nishi-ku Osaka
Japan Osaka
Unitas Global Tokyo Heiwajima DC
Heiwajima Ota-ku Tokyo
Japan Tokyo