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CloudBalkan started in 2014 with the mission to build a solid, innnovative and simple to use infrastructure service.

Operating in a state of the art Tier II data center with water cooling server racks, 40Gbps networking,multiple power feeds and uninterruptable power supply, the technical stack under CloudBalkan is a true guarantee the highest uptime.

Network Operations Center constantly supervises the cloud operation and provides 24×7 support to customers. Automated systems dynamically manage workloads and can live migrate machines, with zero downtime, to guarantee the best service and performance for our clients.

An dedicated engineering team develops and improves CloudBalkan to deliver new tools and services for the best cloud platform in the world. Development of the platform started in 2013 and little more than an year later was open for the first public tests. Five years later CloudBalkan has prooven stability while it still keeps the simplicity for our users.

All cloud services are billed on a pay-as-you-go model, down to the second. No hidden fees and no minimum subscription. Pay only what you use.

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Headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria

Colocation Provider
Cloud Provider