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ScaleEngine hosting is made up of 3 distinct layers that use different technology and techniques to accelerate and economize delivery of web content. ESC (Edge Side Cache) provides the fastest possible delivery and geographic diversity for the most commonly requested elements, such as CSS, JS, minor images and static and dynamic pages, which through the use of the standard ESI (Edge Side Includes) interface can be cached in separate parts with distinct lifetimes, this allows the most common objects to be served without calling the origin nearly as often. The next layer is the common CDN (Content Distribution Network) that provides speed and geographic diversity for larger content such as streaming or static video, downloads and large images. The final layer is the ScaleEngine Origin Web Service (OWS) which features a combination of technologies designed to accelerate typical web applications to a degree not possible with a standard shared or dedicated server approach

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Headquartered in Toronto, Ontario

Colocation Provider