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Datacenter 101, LLC

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Datacenter 101, LLC has a 10,000 sq. ft, fully redundant N+1 rated data center located in the heart of Columbus at 101 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215

- 10,000 sq. ft. of static dissipated flooring connected to thirty-five
wall ground spots
- Steel/drywall/steel reinforced walling with four external
grounding locations
- 3 Layers of entrance security
- Card Reader in elevator
- Holographic Scramble Pad at entrance to Man-Trap
- While door one is open door two is disabled
- Card Reader and Biometric finger printing in Man-Trap
- Door two will not allow admittance until door one is
- While door two is open door one is disabled
- 24x7x365 Internal NOC with secondary NOC monitoring
- Security camera’s with video DVR
- 2 Electric Companies provide power to the facility
- AEP Power
- City of Columbus Public Power
- Dual 650 kVA Generator
- 2,500 gallon diesel tank
- A & B Side UPS’s (Powerware) and PDU’s
- 79 individual head zone Fire Suppression pre-action dry pipe
- Fiber entrances at all 3 corners of the building via dark fiber and
carrier services
- 3 Gig’s of Internet Access provided
- Redundant Internal Internet Cores
- BGP Routing and Internap Flow Control
- 42U Racks cooled by 400 Tons of Cooling
- Hot and Cold row configuration
- Liebert Cooling Systems

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Datacenter 101, LLC

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio